Need of Guidance And Counselling of Unprivileged Children For Providing Them Quality Education
“Bringing children from edges of devastation to the road of development”
I’m unhappy with the current situation of disadvantage children in my area. They are deprived by the basic needs and most importantly they are unaware of the importance of education. Education can make a big change in their lives. I’m seeing this situation since I was a child. My heart calls for their help. As the government is providing almost free education up to elementary level with free books and uniforms. But most of children are unaware of this opportunity. It seems the real problem here is lack of guidance and counselling.
Problem Statement:
Unprivileged children have a lack of guidance and awareness on the benefits of education being provided in the government school almost free and they lack counselling how they can make to admit in a school to carry on their early studies that could develop their learning and help them to make a bright future by erasing their deprived status.
Why I want to address this problem?
Being grown in an area where disadvantaged children wander around all day for nothing and wasting their whole time in useless activities. I feel the need of a counsellor who can motivate them to get education from their near school. Because children are the future of our country and it can only get brighter if deprived children get quality education to break the cycle.
Getting views from two persons on this serious problem:
- I first interviewed my mentor Ma’am Gulam Fatima who is an trained educationist and activist and currently working on education of special and needy children. It took me 10–15 mins to get her points on this serious issue. According to her, the need of providing guidance and telling them the importance of education to convince them join the school is really important for their personal and academic development. She focused on the social development of children as well by studying at a school to get rid of social evils in our society.
- Then I interviewed one of my senior Atika Maqsood who is in the education field and actively participating in the noble cause of providing education to disadvantaged children. It took me 30 min to interview her via audio call. In her opinion, education is the basic right of every human being. Without education, a human is like an animal who just sleep and eat without having any goal in his life. She stated that education provides goal in a person’s life. By guiding the deprived children about how to get free education is like providing a goal to everyone of the children towards a change for a better future. In this way, the chain of poverty will be broken down by education. She highlighted the importance of counselling children about their every step for a better future by helping them recognising their potential and qualities.
After the interviews, I concluded that there is need of counsellors for the deprived children to guide them for their quality education.
Theory of Change (Expected Solution):
If we develop a proper counselling centre for children in at least the underprivileged areas of my hometown. And guide the locals by organising an awareness campaign on how to approach the counsellors if any of the children face any problem regarding to education or having any hurdle in the way of going to school in the most easy way. The counsellor will have a deep insight on every children of that area and will solve their problems by personally connecting with them. There will be an activity therapy in that area for the healthy learning of children.
Benefits From Experience of Conducted Research on The Issue:
The benefits that I get from this learning experience is I get to know the problem from a closer side. I develop a sense of empathy with the disadvantaged children and have an urge to take an initiative for their awareness on education. I think of ideas on how can I overcome this problem. I get insightful suggestions from the experts in this field. And get a chance to improve my idea in a productive way.